
Tax Loss Provisions of Corporation Tax in UAE

Tax Loss Relief
1. A Tax Loss can be offset against the Taxable Income of subsequent Tax Periods to arrive at the Taxable Income for those subsequent Tax Periods.

2. The amount of Tax Loss used to reduce the Taxable Income for any subsequent Tax Period cannot exceed 75% (seventy-five percent) or any other percentage as specified in a decision issued by the Cabinet at the suggestion of the Minister of the Taxable Income for that Tax Period before any Tax Loss relief, except in circumstances that may be prescribed in a decision issued by the Cabinet at the suggestion of the Minister.

3. A Taxable Person cannot claim Tax Loss relief for:

a) Losses incurred before the date of commencement of Corporate Tax. Tax Invoice

b) Losses incurred before a Person becomes a Taxable Person under this Decree-Law.

c) Losses incurred from an asset or activity the income of which is exempt, or otherwise not taken into account under this Decree-Law.

4. A Tax Loss carried forward to a subsequent Tax Period must be set off against the Taxable Income of that subsequent Tax Period, before any remainder can be carried forward to a further subsequent Tax Period, or any Tax Loss transferred under Article 38 of this Decree-Law can be utilised.

Transfer of Tax Loss

1. A Tax Loss or a portion thereof may be offset against the Taxable Income of another Taxable Person where all of the following conditions are met:

a) Both Taxable Persons are juridical persons VAT Registration 

b) Both Taxable Persons are Resident Persons.

c) Either Taxable Person has a direct or indirect ownership interest of at least 75% (seventy-five percent) in the other, or a third Person has a direct or indirect ownership interest of at least 75% (seventy-five percent) in each of the Taxable Persons.

d) The common ownership under paragraph (c) of Clause 1 of this Article must exist from the start of the Tax Period in which the Tax Loss is incurred to the end of the Tax Period in which the other Taxable Person offsets the Tax Loss transferred against its Taxable Income.

e) None of the Persons are an Exempt Person.

f) None of the Persons are a Qualifying Free Zone Person.

g) The Financial Year of each of the Taxable Persons ends on the same date.

h) Both Taxable Persons prepare their financial statements using the same accounting standards.

2. Where a Taxable Person transfers its Tax Loss to another Taxable Person under Clause 1 of this Article:

a) the Taxable Person which the Tax Loss is transferred to shall reduce its Taxable Income for the relevant Tax Period;

b) the total Tax Loss offset shall not exceed the amount allowed under Clause 2 of Article 37 of this Decree-Law; and

c) the Taxable Person shall reduce its available Tax Losses by the amount of the Tax Loss transferred to the other Taxable Person for the relevant Tax Period.

Limitation on Tax Losses Carried Forward

1. Tax Losses can only be carried forward and utilised in accordance with the provision of Clause 2 of Article 37 of this Decree-Law provided that 

a) From the beginning of the Tax Period in which the Tax Loss is incurred to the end of the Tax Period in which the Tax Loss or part thereof is offset against Taxable Income of that period, the same Person or Persons continuously owned at least a 50% (fifty percent) ownership interest in the Taxable Person.

b) The Taxable Person continued to conduct the same or a similar Business or Business Activity following a change in ownership of more than 50% (fifty percent).

2. For the purposes of paragraph (b) of Clause 1 of this Article, relevant factors for determining whether a Taxable Person has continued to conduct the same or a similar Business or Business Activity following a change in the direct or indirect ownership include:

a) the Taxable Person uses some or all of the same assets as before the ownership change vat services uae

b) the Taxable Person has not made significant changes to the core identity or operations of its Business since the ownership change; and

c) where there have been any changes, these result from the development or exploitation of assets, services, processes, products or methods that existed before the ownership change.

3. Clause 1 of this Article shall not apply to a Taxable Person whose shares are listed on a Recognised Stock Exchange.

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